Many folks would like to spend a little money on their home, and they don't have a whole lot to spend. They want their homes to look nice on the outside and give a good first impression. They would also like to do whatever home improvements that they decide on and make sure that those decisions will help the value of their home when they go to sell it later.
Every good realtor knows that even small improvements to the front of the house, like a new flower bed, shutters, or even a new mailbox make a big difference. A new garage door could add ,000-,000 to the actual selling price of a home.
One thing that I like to recommend to homeowners is that they put up a stone or brick façade alongside along the base of the house. Perhaps, up to the Windows along the frontage of the home. This makes the home look more valuable and more substantial, as well as sturdier. Stone and brick facades are not expensive to put up and if you use the right materials they are very long-lasting.
It is important of course to make sure that the coating of these materials is also a strong enough to handle any hard water spots from the sprinklers. Sometimes it's the little things you do to dress up your home, that make the biggest difference. Your neighbors will definitely notice.
In fact, if you put stone or brick on your house, you might find out that other people in the neighborhood go and do the same when they find out how little it costs. This can increase the price of the entire neighborhood for everyone's home. As each time a home sells it helps the average appraisal value of each home in the neighborhood go up slightly. I surely hope you will think about this.